Email Scraping with pure PHP code | No apis, no 3rd services, just PHP | Fully Customizable

Original price was: 60.00€.Current price is: 35.00€.


Grab thousands of emails from every website you want, by simply running this script. It stores the emails from every page you scrape on a .csv file.

The logic :
1- Visit the sitemap of the website you want to take data from. It usually is in this form “”, or “”.

2- Save or Download the sitemap/sitemaps you just visited on the folder “sitemaps”.

3- Run the email.php file on xampp,easyphp or anything like that.

– It finds every url inside the sitemap
– It counts how many urls it found
– Start Loop in each of the urls found
– For every loop, find the email and print it to .csv
– Repeat
– Stop when all of the urls have been looped

**Please use this script at your own risk, only on websites that scrapping is allowed or if you have the ok by the website owner.


Grab thousands of emails from every website you want, by simply running this script. It stores the emails from every page you scrape on a .csv file.

The logic :
1- Visit the sitemap of the website you want to take data from. It usually is in this form “”, or “”.

2- Save or Download the sitemap/sitemaps you just visited on the folder “sitemaps”.

3- Run the email.php file on xampp,easyphp or anything like that.

– It finds every url inside the sitemap
– It counts how many urls it found
– Start Loop in each of the urls found
– For every loop, find the email and print it to .csv
– Repeat
– Stop when all of the urls have been looped

**Please use this script at your own risk, only on websites that scrapping is allowed or if you have the ok by the website owner.